Friday, May 1, 2015

May DayTthis Year Feels Closer to Mayday

Today is May 1st or May Day, a traditional day of celebration.  We are supposed to be celebrating the arrival and enjoyment of spring.

Really, this year it feels more like we should be sending out a mayday distress call to discover where our spring has wandered off to because I think it has gotten lost and can't find its way back.

Sure, we had a few warm days.  But only a few. 

I am still waking up to inside temps of about 5celsius (about 40F) and I am still building fires.  Most days, we are keeping that fire alive all day long.  Granted, in the afternoon it does not need to be roaring and generating waves of warmth but still!  I thought I would be done with all this by now, have the inside of the stove all cleaned out for the summer and the outside all blackened, shiny and handsome.

Instead, we still have ashes, I may need to make yet another round of fire starters, and the newest batch of wood cut and stacked on the roof is being used this year rather than giving us a head start on next year.

And the weather, to say the least, is unpredictable.  I am not exaggerating when I say it can be sunny one moment, rainy the next, then sunny, then sleeting, then sunny.  And, that cycle can repeat itself many times over the course of the day.  Literally, if you don't like the weather just wait a few minutes and it will change, and change, and change.  But at least we are not receiving snow, although we have had frost.  Some places in Scotland are still being snowed upon.  How is that for spring weather on the first of May.

Yep, this year May Day may be closer to Mayday.  It keeps life interesting.

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