Allocation: $364 $13 / day
Cushion: $186.09
YTD. 31 days
Total $149.08
Grocery. $86.06
Eating Out. $63.02
What We Ate: Melt in your mouth chicken, apple and orange salad, pesto and cheese florentine rice; Ham, hubbard squash, black eyed pea salad; Tuna chowder, Raisin Bran muffins; Chicken piccata, florentine rice, salad, garlic and cheese bread; Vegetarian bean curry, yogurt and fresh fruit, homemade flatbread; Chicken piccata, zucchini, Italian rice balls; Ham loaf, mixed wild rice, banana and yogurt ; Stuffed pepper soup, chicken sandwich ; Pasta with spinach , sautéed cauliflower, garlic cheese bread , fruit and yogurt; Leftovers; Tacos, guacamole, beans and rice; Valentines Day: Savory Italian cheesecake, baked Parmesan zucchini, yogurt and fruit, vanilla wafer cake;
What We Bought:
Giant Eagle: Parmesan, provolone, sharp cheddar cheese (3#) $10.95 Sale items
Erie Food Cooperative: flax meal ( replace eggs in baking) 1# equal to 70 eggs $6.29
Sanders: Cauliflower, zucchini, yogurt, donuts $7.95 All sale items.
Auldi: cheese (2#), avocado (2) $5.77 Sale items
Total: $30.96
Eating Out:
Butchs Diner $9.01 lunch with the ladies
Sam’s Club $3.66 lunch on way to dc
Italian Restaurant $32.02 Dinner with Mike and Gail
Frederick Social $22.00 Lunch with kids
Pizza for national pizza day $15.50
Sam’s Club $2.80 lunch on way home
Total: $82.19
Our trip to dc really added to the cost, but I am fine with that.
Two Week Total: $103.15
YTD: 46 days
Total: $252.23. $5.48/day. $2.74/person/day
Grocery: $117.02. $2.54/day. $1.27/person/day
Eating Out: $145.21. $3.16/day. $1.58/person/day
Remaining Allocation: $260.85
Cushion: $186.09
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