Tuesday, October 1, 2024

2024. From the Tightwad Gazette. Number3

 1.   Do sweat the small stuff.  Why?  They save so little, right?  But remember, there are more small ways to save money in your day to day life than there are big ways.  And, most of these small opportunities will reoccur and reoccur through the day, month, year.  Those individual small savings accumulate into larger savings.

2.   The search for inexpensive breakfasts can save a lot over time.  Here are some we rotate through on a regular basis:  oatmeal, pancakes, muffins, French toast, scones, toast and peanut butter, English muffins, cream of wheat, cinnamon rolls, bagels, raisin bread, cornbread, biscuits, cooked rice with cinnamon and sugar. If you learn to make these rather than buy them, you can feed yourself breakfast for well under a dollar, sometimes for pennies.

3.  If your grocery store has a scale, use it to weigh your produce before you buy it.  If the apples are being sold by the bag, use the scale to help you buy the biggest bag.  If cantaloupe is sold by the piece, buy the biggest you can get for the price set.   Your five pounds of potatoes could be 5.5. Pounds.  You get that half pound for free.  And a baked potato with broccoli and cheese sauce can make a great lunch or quick dinner.  Or, try them topped with chili and cheese.  Inexpensive and easy.

4.  Establish and maintain a well stocked pantry of items you have purchased at rock bottom prices.  And I mean rock bottom.  Shop sales, loss leaders, clearance , bent and dent stores, discount groceries and any other place you can find that will give you a good deal.  Try to never pay full price.  Don’t plan a menu and then shop.  Shopping is done to replenish your stockpile, you should not be buying ingredients for specific meals.  Shop first, menu second.  Determine the menu from what is in your stockpile of good deals.  You will save a fortune.  

5.  Try to eat seasonally.  Tossed salad in the winter is expensive, and basically tasteless.  Build up a repertoire of salads that use cheaper and tastier ingredients.  Carrot salad with raisins, coleslaw, three bean salad, potato salad, Waldorf salad, broccoli salad, etc.  or skip the salad and serve two vegetables.  Nutrition doesn’t have to include a tossed salad.

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