Monday, July 1, 2024

2024 Frugal Things in June

 1.   Because I haven’t ordered in awhile, I received a $20 coupon from Chewy.  I used it and ordered $3 more to get free shipping.   We are now set for wet food for awhile at a nice discount.

2.  Mike and I did a salvage shop.  We bought coffee at $2.99 a bag, dry beans at 50 cents a pound, flour at 50cents for five pounds, whole wheat flour at 89 cents for five pounds, tortillas at 50 cents, mayo for fifty cents and better than bouillon at $1 a jar, to name a few of the best bargains.  

3.  After our 20plus year old set bit the dust, we read an article rating sheets for price, quality and value.  Then we bought a new set of sheets on sale and used an additional 20%off one day coupon to make the price less scary.  The two strategies ended up saving us 50% off the original price.

4.  I bought 2#of thin sliced top round steak at 30% off, $6 /#.  That will make three meals for us with leftovers for lunch.  I see fajitas, Asian beef and a Philly cheesesteak in our future.

Frugal Fail:  Usually I bake our bread products.  With the temperature as high as it has been, I got lazy and went to Aldi.  I walked out with two loaves of bread, English muffins and bagels.  My wallet took a $9.84 hit!  I could have made them for about $2.00.  A definite fail.

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