Thursday, July 4, 2019

Frugal Things In June

1.  More yarn, this time from Goodwill, at 50% off.  Sometimes I can't find any and other times I get so lucky!

2.  After 40 years for the dryer and 22 years for the washer, it was time to replace them.We bought the replacements in a 40% off sale and received an additional 10% military discount.  All told, we saved $556.10.  Then we paid with gift cards that earned us $2.40 off per gallon.  That will save us another $72.  $628.10 remains in our bank account because of a few simple steps.  I'll take it.

3.  We saved an extra $22 by paying a bill with cash.

4.  We live within the city limits.  The city did a grant program for beautification of the outside of your home.  We applied and received a grant for 50% of the cost of having our house painted.  $2500 saved.


  1. Wow that is quite a savings on painting, wish my town could do that. I get many supplies at goodwill for my sewing and needle work.

  2. I never thought we would get one but if you don't ask the answer is always no. Right?
