Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving And Why We Should Give Thanks

In London their is a spot called Speakers Corner where people can literally step up on their soap box and give a "speech" about any subject of concern or interest to them.  I am now going to step up onto my own soap box for just a few moments.  Please bear with me.

In the U.K. the cost of living has gone up 28% in the last few years BUT the average earnings have gone up by  only 9%. Public sector wages are even worse and have risen by only 1%. 

The final effect is that people are dealing with an average cut in buying power of 19% or more.  That is HARD for most budgets to absorb and impossible for many.
The news might say that the economy is getting better but in truth, every one in the UK has got poorer over the last five years. 

Half a million people in the U.K. are using food banks.  And to put that into perspective, unlike in the U.S. where access to community food banks is fairly easy, here you have to "qualify" and have the correct referral.

A more sobering trend that food banks are finding happening more and more is that people are bringing back such staple foods as pasta, rice, oatmeal, etc. because they can't cook them.  Their utilities have been shut off.  Basically their food comes in a can and they eat it cold.

A recently released governmental statistic said that millions of people in the U.K. are less than a month away from living on benefits if they lost their job.  

And, like lots of other places these days, finding a replacement job will be difficult, often very difficult.

Tightening their belts has become a national past time in Britain.  Once can only wonder how many parents are going hungry so that their children can eat.  Or, how many are living in COLD houses without any heat so that the money can be used to buy food.   

So, when you look at your Thanksgiving table and enjoy the feast with family and friends, please take a moment to REALLY be grateful for what is before you.  We are blessed.

I will now step down from my soap box.

Children in this country are leaving their homes of a morning and going to school hungry. Parents aren’t eating for days in order to give their children food. - See more at:
Children in this country are leaving their homes of a morning and going to school hungry. Parents aren’t eating for days in order to give their children food. - See more at:

In 2013/2014 there were 13 million people living below the poverty line right here in the United Kingdom and 913,138 people (330,205 children) were fed by food banks. - See more at:

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